If or when you find yourself in a stressful encounter exacerbated by the unwelcome behavior of another person, consider using a mental A-hole-O-Meter.
Intercept a stress reaction and secretly rank the person misbehaving, a form of invisible retaliation to maintain your mental stamina and a semblance of sanity.
Low scores for semi A-Holey behavior, such as someone giving you an unfriendly glare for an innocent mistake?
Mid-level A-Hole status for those resorting to a descriptive hand signal, shaming you in front of others.
High scores for someone who goes the extra A-Hole mile, verbally abusing you or someone else.
For more on this topic, refer to Robert I. Sutton’s The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t, 2007.